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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2021

Will you go trick-or-treating with us this weekend?

Asexuality: Are You Aware?

It’s the last week of October and you know what that means! Time to talk about asexuality. Well—anytime is fine to talk about it, actually, but every year, Asexuality Awareness Week falls in late October (it runs from October 24 to 30 this year). This is a chance to learn more about what asexuality really is and how to support people who identify as asexual (or “ace”). I wanted to better understand asexuality as a sexual orientation . Yes, it’s considered a sexual orientation! Especially after my friend Cori*, 17, who identifies as asexual and aromantic, told me, “The general population doesn’t see asexuality the same way they see (other) LGBTQ + identities.” I wondered—why don’t people seem to talk about or understand asexuality as much as they might other orientations? What I Didn’t Know Prior to learning more about it, I thought asexuality just meant that a person had no sexual or romantic feelings. I didn’t realize that having romantic and sexual feelings are not the same thi...

Sex education books for Muslim Kids (who follow or practice Islam)

I have created this list as a reader asked me about sex education or puberty books that incorporate Islam. So these are the few books that I have found. There aren’t many, I’m afraid to … Sex education books for Muslim Kids (who follow or practice Islam) Read More » The post Sex education books for Muslim Kids (who follow or practice Islam) was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/sex-education-books-for-muslim-kids-who-follow-or-practice-islam/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Puberty & Sex Education books for neurodiverse kids (with Autism)

A lot of parents ask me for books that are directed towards neuro-diverse kids, or kids diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). On talking, they are looking for books that are more realistic, or represent … Puberty & Sex Education books for neurodiverse kids (with Autism) Read More » The post Puberty & Sex Education books for neurodiverse kids (with Autism) was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/puberty-sex-education-books-for-neurodiverse-kids-with-autism/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Jane’s Abortion Ban Reality: An interview with Jane’s Due Process’ HK Gray

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Author:  Gabriel Leão Jane’s Due Process is an abortion fund in Texas that expressly supports young people. HK Gray was a young person helped by Jane’s Due Process, and who later joined their ranks as an organizer. HK has experienced many ordeals before, during and after her pregnancy, and understands from both professional and personal points of view exactly how disastrous a law like Senate Bill 8 (SB8), which you might know as the Texas Abortion Ban, can be. The Senate Bill 8 (SB8), which you might know as the Texas Abortion Ban, has brought dark clouds to the future of all of those in Texas who are or can become pregnant. That bill forbids access to safe, legal abortion just six weeks into pregnancy . 8%% to 90% of abortion procedures happen after the sixth week, so this would effectively be a near total ban of abortion in the Southern state. This new ban would also reward people denouncing those having an abortion or providing such service. Among the on...

The Sexual Trauma Workbook for Teen Girls

Book Review: The Sexual Trauma Workbook for Teen Girls by Rachelle Cassada Lohmann & Sheela Raja is an invaluable resource for girls who are recovering from sexual assault & abuse. The post The Sexual Trauma Workbook for Teen Girls was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/the-sexual-trauma-workbook-for-teen-girls/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Pelvis Problems: The Painful Peeing Syndromes

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Author:  Caitlyn Tivy, PT, DPT, OCS This installment of Pelvis Problems from Caitlyn Tivy, the pelvic health PT, talks about interstitial cystitis (IC) and chronic prostatitis (CP), disorders that can cause pain with peeing, along with a number of other symptoms, what causes them, how they can be diagnosed and how they can be treated so you can pee without pain again. Hey Scarleteen readers! It’s time for another installment of the Pelvis Problems series with me, Caitlyn the pelvic health PT. This time, I’m going to talk about painful bladder syndromes — disorders that can cause pain with peeing, along with a number of other symptoms. I’ll focus on two key conditions: interstitial cystitis (IC) and chronic prostatitis (CP). Each of these conditions go by a variety of names and abbreviations, which can make learning about them confusing. I’ll sort through the alphabet soup of names for these syndromes later. Here is what’s on the agenda: What are the painful bladde...

Can We Talk About Consent? by Justin Hancock

Book Review: Can We Talk About Consent?: A book about freedom, choices, and agreement by Justin Hancock is a detailed book for teens about consent. The post Can We Talk About Consent? by Justin Hancock was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/can-we-talk-about-consent-by-justin-hancock/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Coming Out Day: What’s Right for You?

“Wait, you’re not straight ?” I still get this question a lot, even from friends who’ve known me for years. When I first began to question my sexual orientation , it was something deeply personal and slightly terrifying. The idea of trying to figure out my sexual identity seemed overwhelming, especially at the age of 12. Even after I thought I had it figured out, I didn’t come out right away. Coming out can be challenging, even if you know your friends and family will be supportive. It requires you to share some of the most vulnerable parts of yourself with others. That’s why it’s important to have days like October 11, which is National Coming Out Day . A Day to Celebrate Coming Out National Coming Out Day celebrates the courage it takes to be yourself, including your sexual orientation and  gender identity . No matter if you’re out or not, this day is meant to empower you. In addition, it also brings visibility to and increases awareness of those who are LGBTQ +. My coming ...

What Teens Need to Know About Texas SB 8 and Accessing Abortion

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Author:  Caroline Reilly If you’re under 18, it's possible to access abortion in Texas, but thanks to the harmful laws and legal chaos, it's extremely difficult. What does this mean? Especially for young people? We’re here to break that down. Cross-posted with Rewire News Group. WRITETK is TITLETK of Rewire News Group (RNG), the only media organization dedicated to coverage of reproductive and sexual health, rights, and justice issues. For more stories like this, and to stay informed on the latest in abortion legislation in Texas and other states, subscribe to the RNG newsletter at  https://rewirenewsgroup. com/subscriber . It’s been about a month since the Supreme Court more or less put its stamp of approval on Texas SB 8, which bans all abortions after six weeks with no exception for rape or incest, and only allows abortions to be performed after the six-week mark in the case of medical emergency. To make matters worse, anyone who helps someone get a...

Play and Learn PaperDoll Families by Cath Hakanson

Book Review: Play & Learn PaperDoll Families by Cath Hakanson are anatomically correct paperdolls that can help parents to talk to kids about where babies come from The post Play and Learn PaperDoll Families by Cath Hakanson was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/play-and-learn-paperdoll-families-by-cath-hakanson/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Sex Education: Why I Watch

The third season of Netflix’s Sex Education just launched, and I am absolutely thrilled! I remember binging through the episodes when the show first came out, and I eagerly wait for more between seasons. The cliffhangers we were left with last year have definitely been acknowledged, from Otis’s deleted voicemail to how Hope, the new headmistress at Moordale Secondary School, will handle issues of sexuality at the school. To celebrate the release of the new season, here are the top four reasons why I love Sex Education . 1. It’s refreshingly up-front. I’ve grown up thinking that even saying the word “sex” is inappropriate, both in school and at home (since starting to work at Sex, Etc. , I feel differently!). Sex Education , however, completely shatters this idea. The opening scene of episode one in season three, for instance, set to a cover of “I Think We’re Alone Now” by the Rubinoos, shows a range of couples—diverse in sexual orientation , race, abilities and more— hooking up ...