Support from the Start: How to Talk About Disability With A Disabled Partner When You're a Nondisabled Person
Author: Haley Moss Disability may feel scary if you’re new to it - there is a lot of language involved to learn, maybe more medical information than you feel capable of handling, or you might have a fear about possibly being cast in a caregiver role more so than a partner. All of these fears can be dispelled or addressed through ongoing, healthy communication. In my experience, disclosure is an ongoing conversation and there is no single “correct” way to do it, but there are ways that our partners can be stronger allies. New relationships - whether romantic , sexual , or both - are almost always exciting, no matter who you are. But for people with disabilities in relationships with neurotypical, nondisabled partners, new relationships can be filled with anxiety, including anxiety about the serious conversations that need to be held. Is there a best way to tell your partner you’re disabled? As an autistic person, I’ve learned there is no “best way,” so much as being...