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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2021

Support from the Start: How to Talk About Disability With A Disabled Partner When You're a Nondisabled Person

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Author:  Haley Moss Disability may feel scary if you’re new to it - there is a lot of language involved to learn, maybe more medical information than you feel capable of handling, or you might have a fear about possibly being cast in a caregiver role more so than a partner. All of these fears can be dispelled or addressed through ongoing, healthy communication. In my experience, disclosure is an ongoing conversation and there is no single “correct” way to do it, but there are ways that our partners can be stronger allies. New relationships - whether romantic , sexual , or both - are almost always exciting, no matter who you are. But for people with disabilities in relationships with neurotypical, nondisabled partners, new relationships can be filled with anxiety, including anxiety about the serious conversations that need to be held. Is there a best way to tell your partner you’re disabled? As an autistic person, I’ve learned there is no “best way,” so much as being...

World AIDS Day 2021

Each year on December 1st, millions of people observe World AIDS Day. A day to honor those lost to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS, it’s also a chance to remember the history of human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) and AIDS as well as reflect on the importance of HIV/AIDS awareness and treatment looking forward. In honor of World AIDS Day, let’s take a look together at some important information about HIV/AIDS! The Facts HIV damages the immune system’s ability to fight disease. There are lots of misconceptions about how HIV is contracted, so let me clear up any confusion. It’s spread through bodily fluids like semen , precum, rectal and vaginal fluids, breast milk and blood. It is not spread through saliva or urine . There are three stages of HIV : Stage 1 (acute HIV infection), Stage 2 (Chronic HIV Infection) and Stage 3 (AIDS). However, these days many people who are HIV positive never advance to Stage 3 (more on that below). A Brief History When first discovered, ...

A Muslim Boy’s Guide to Life’s Big Changes by Sami Khan

Book Review: A Muslim Boy’s Guide to Life’s Big Changes by Sami Khan is a puberty book for boys with an Islamic upbringing. The post A Muslim Boy’s Guide to Life’s Big Changes by Sami Khan was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/a-muslim-boys-guide-to-lifes-big-changes-by-sami-khan/ via https://sex2k.cc/

A Muslim Girl’s Guide to Life’s Big Changes by Rayhana Khan

Book Review: A Muslim Girl’s Guide to Life’s Big Changes by Rayhana Khan is a puberty book for girls with an Islamic upbringing. The post A Muslim Girl’s Guide to Life’s Big Changes by Rayhana Khan was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/a-muslim-girls-guide-to-lifes-big-changes-by-rayhana-khan/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Transgender Day of Remembrance: Who Inspires You?

November 20: the day when 22 years ago, the first Transgender Day of Remembrance was observed in memory of Rita Hesler, a Black transgender woman who was murdered in her apartment on November 28, 1998. Transgender Day of Remembrance seeks to both memorialize victims of transphobic violence and bring attention to issues transgender individuals face, while highlighting the trans community’s continued battle for visibility. This year, attacks against transgender or gender nonconforming individuals have been at an all-time high , with at least 47 people killed, according to the Human Rights Campaign. The victims have disproportionately been trans women of color, with Black and Latinx transgender women especially at risk. It’s crucial to honor victims of anti-trans violence, and to recognize and commemorate the experiences of transgender people in both the past and present. How Can We Celebrate Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People? In honor of this year’s Transgender Day of Rem...

Colonizing Indigenous Pregnancies: An Interview with Indigenous Women Rising’s Nicole Martin About the Texas Abortion Ban

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Author:  Gabriel Leão Indigenous people have long been persecuted and oppressed on their own unceded land by the government of the United States and the picture gets darker with intersectionalities like gender, orientation and social class. SB8 is tinged with white supremacist, patriarchal and elitist values disguised as ways to help Texans. In an interview with Scarleteen, co-founder and sex educator Nicole Martin of Indigenous Women Rising (IWR) speaks on SB8 and Indigenous people. The Texas Abortion Ban , Senate Bill 8 (SB8), imposes that legal abortion can be accessed only within just six weeks into a pregnancy, when most pregnant people are unaware of their condition. And that’s just the start of the many injustices of this ban . This measure is being regarded as another way of those in power to exert control over pregnant people and those who can become pregnant, particularly the poor, undocumented immigrants, and people of color. Indigenous people are a group...

Being Seen, Cared for and Empowered AF by Feminist AF

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This book, from founding members of the Crunk Feminist Collective , was such a breath of fresh air and unlike anything I've read before, in a great way. From the introduction I felt seen, like this was talking to me--teen me, adult me, past and future me. Through all my phases of self discovery and learning to be a feminist as a teenager and young adult, I never had someone tell me it's okay to be loud and rowdy, to be gender non-conforming, to rock my natural frizzy curls and be openly sexual --especially as a WOC. I would've learned these things way earlier in life if I had Feminist AF in my hands. There are some extremely important takes in the book, such as the ways society makes girls invisible by featuring bodies that are thin, cis, white, and able-bodied as the symbol of beauty and health. Validating girls' experiences with feeling invisible is crucial in helping them love themselves, because they realize they are not alone and they are not the issue. The...

Thank you! We did it!

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Thank you, thank you, thank you so much! Just under the clock, exactly 150 donors, and about twice that many other helpers, got us across the finish line and past our minimum goal of $10,000 for our Halloween annual fundraiser. We're so grateful for your contributions that help us continue providing progressive, comprehensive, inclusive and scare-free sex , sexual health and relationships education and one-on-one and peer support for young people all around the world, for free and on their terms, every day, when they want and need it. We know that so many of us are still so strapped right now -- strapped with money, strapped with time and energy -- and things can feel really precarious. We appreciate your generosity with us, and that you value what we do and who we do it for enough to pitch in for us as you can.  Thank you. If you donated to this campaign and/or you helped with it in some other way -- maybe you told friends about our ask, or shared it on social medi...