Heavy Metal Heartbreak: Dating with a Brain Injury
Author: Melissa Meszaros The author of the new book Heavy Metal Headbang shares some of how dating went for her while recovering from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and has a little advice for those with TBI who are dating, and those dating anyone with a TBI. Nine months ago, I was holed up in Santa Fe, in the rain. I was on a workcation, trying to alleviate the stress and the surge of professional responsibilities, listening to Ice Age “Shelter Song” which I thought to share with my then-husband, hoping that he would heed the lyrics the same way I had. This was the day I realized my marriage was over. We’d been together less than three years. My psychologist warned me not to make any big life decisions while recovering from a traumatic brain injury (TBI)—a sudden injury that causes damage to the brain resulting in severe complications, coma, or in some cases, death. From mild to severe cases, the CDC reported about 61,000 TBI-related deaths in 2019, which i...