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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2022

Pregnant and Depressed: What You Need to Know

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Author:  Leslie Massicotte, M.Ed. You may have heard of postpartum depression (when you get depressed after pregnancy), but we don’t really hear much about how to handle being pregnant if you came to it already depressed. Educator Leslie Masicotte takes a deep dive into some considerations for pregnancy, birth, and early parenting if you have depression. You may have heard of postpartum depression (when you get depressed after pregnancy ), but we don’t really hear much about how to handle being pregnant if you came to it already depressed. Stats show that a lot of us are depressed, pregnant or not – about 280 million people in the world have depression, and one in seven 10-19-year-olds experiences a mental disorder. If you’re pregnant or wanting to be, how are you supposed to navigate pregnancy with existing depression? Societally, many women and other pregnant people have been told that our needs should always come after our child’s or fetus’ –just look at the U...

How Babies Are Made by Andrew C. Andry

Book Review: How Babies Are Made by Andrew C. Andry is a fantastic vintage book that is perfect for explaining how babies (and puppies and chickens) are made. The post How Babies Are Made by Andrew C. Andry was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/how-babies-are-made-by-andrew-c-andry/ via https://sex2k.cc/

The Human Body Theater by Maris Wicks

Book Review: The Human Body Theater by Maris Wicks is a fun comic book styled tour of the human body, including reproduction and puberty. The post The Human Body Theater by Maris Wicks was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/the-human-body-theater-by-maris-wicks/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Be Your Own Man by Jessica Sanders

Book Review: Be Your Own Man by Jessica Sanders is a book for boys about positive body image. The post Be Your Own Man by Jessica Sanders was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/be-your-own-man-by-jessica-sanders/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Play and Learn PaperDoll Superheroes by Cath Hakanson

Book Review: Play & Learn PaperDoll SuperHeroes by Cath Hakanson are anatomically correct paperdolls that can help parents to talk to kids about bodies and gender. The post Play and Learn PaperDoll Superheroes by Cath Hakanson was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/play-and-learn-paperdoll-superheroes-by-cath-hakanson/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Waking the Witches: Ruby’s First Blood by Kari Hill

Book Review: Waking the Witches: Ruby’s First Blood is a comic book that encourages girls to celebrate the spirituality of menstruation. The post Waking the Witches: Ruby’s First Blood by Kari Hill was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/waking-the-witches-rubys-first-blood-by-kari-hill/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Can You Be Yourself On Dates?

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Author:  Douglas Laman If you’re like me, there are lots of questions that race through your mind when you prepare to go out on a date. Do I look polished enough? Am I going to click with this person? Did we pick the right venue to go out to? And then there’s the one question always gnawing at the back of my skull about my autism: can I be myself? If you’re like me, there are lots of questions that race through your mind when you prepare to go out on a date. Do I look polished enough? Am I going to click with this person? Did we pick the right venue to go out to? And then there’s the one question always gnawing at the back of my skull about my autism:  can I be myself? If I’m my full unfiltered self, bursting with joy over special interests and not being self-conscious over every move or word I utter, will I alienate this person instead of giving them a fun date? The lack of mainstream representation of autistic people in happy and fulfilling romantic relatio...

How to talk to teens about sexting

Sexting or the sending of nude pics is a real concern for parents. Each week I see distraught parents in that parent group (my free Facebook group for parents) sharing stories of the inappropriate pictures … How to talk to teens about sexting Read More » The post How to talk to teens about sexting was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/how-to-talk-to-teens-about-sexting/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Hot Girl Hangups: Talking Through the Tension Between Bimbos and Feminism

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Author:  Marisha Thomas The bimbo is a product of a misogynistic imagination, a sex object and an ableist stereotype. Her image is tied up in ageism as well, being forever young and childlike. Because the outlines of the bimbo stereotype are so bold, and her character so outrageous, she also makes perfect material for drag and other kinds of gender play and parody. And, because gender is weird, people have begun to mess with language so that people of all genders can play with it as well. But is all of this, like, okay? The idea that feminism and femininity are at odds is a common one, but to me, this apparent conflict seems unnecessary. For one thing, the idea that ‘a woman should be able to wear whatever she wants and still be taken seriously’ can and ought to apply to wearing ‘girly’ clothes. But also, as a short-haired feminist who rejects certain gender expectations in the way I dress, I find it so funny that a person who identifies as a woman and presents ...

The best children’s pictures books about love

A common request I receive from parents, is for help in finding books to help with talking about love! Love can be a tricky thing to explain to children. It is a complicated emotion that … The best children’s pictures books about love Read More » The post The best children’s pictures books about love was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/pictures-books-love/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Beezus Murphy's Mom Had an Abortion: An Interview

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Author:  Zosia Johnson "My Mom Had an Abortion" is a comic written by Beezus B. Murphy, illustrated by Tatiana Gill, and produced by the Shout Your Abortion network. It tells a unique and personal coming of age story, while emphasizing the importance of choice. In this interview between two high school students across the country from one another, interviewer Zosia Johnson and Beezus discuss this story, and why Beezus decided to share it. My Mom Had an Abortion is a comic written by Beezus B. Murphy, illustrated by Tatiana Gill, and produced by the Shout Your Abortion network. It tells a unique and personal coming of age story, while emphasizing the importance of choice.  In this interview between two high school students across the country from one another, interviewer Zosia Johnson and Beezus discuss this story, and why Beezus decided to share it. Zosia: What inspired you to write this story, and what was your goal when deciding to publish it to an aud...

Has Covid Changed How You Feel About Dating and Relationships?

As we approach the two-year anniversary of Covid-19 shutting many things down, I’ve been reminiscing on how it’s changed the world around us. But did you ever stop to think about how it’s affected dating and relationships? As many schools, jobs and extracurricular activities turned online, so did dating. At times, we’ve been prevented from engaging in typical social activities and with that, a chance to meet people in a potentially romantic way. However, over the last two years, we’ve adapted. We started to go on virtual dates and host virtual movie nights. When necessary, we learned how to have socially-distanced hangouts. Even with these adaptations, when you’re mainly interacting over the phone or computer it can feel hard to form the trust and comfort needed to maintain a healthy relationship. The intimacy part of a relationship—whether emotional or physical—was much harder to achieve in quarantine rather than face-to-face, at least for me. Although it’s been difficult, I beli...