Pregnant and Depressed: What You Need to Know
Author: Leslie Massicotte, M.Ed. You may have heard of postpartum depression (when you get depressed after pregnancy), but we don’t really hear much about how to handle being pregnant if you came to it already depressed. Educator Leslie Masicotte takes a deep dive into some considerations for pregnancy, birth, and early parenting if you have depression. You may have heard of postpartum depression (when you get depressed after pregnancy ), but we don’t really hear much about how to handle being pregnant if you came to it already depressed. Stats show that a lot of us are depressed, pregnant or not – about 280 million people in the world have depression, and one in seven 10-19-year-olds experiences a mental disorder. If you’re pregnant or wanting to be, how are you supposed to navigate pregnancy with existing depression? Societally, many women and other pregnant people have been told that our needs should always come after our child’s or fetus’ –just look at the U...