Our Work After Dobbs
What am I going to say now instead of “safe, legal abortion ?” It’s hard to answer that question because of the avalanche of feelings its context has always brought about for me, all the more so when it has been made a national reality in my own country. It’s a brain-stopper. It’s like all the blood is rushing to my unsurprised-yet-still-utterly-gutted soul, so none of it can get to my head. When something as devastating as the Dobbs decision happens, something relevant to potentially every member of your organization and many of those who utilize your organization and its services, directors are expected to say something. All the more so when it’s someone like me, for whom abortion has been and still is a big part of my own work and life. (Sometimes I can respond in an immediate, collected way with things like this. Sometimes, I just can’t do jack, no matter how hard I try or how much I want to. Friday was like that. So was Saturday, Sunday and Monday.) One thing you’re su...