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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2022

Abortion and Digital Privacy: How To Protect Ourselves

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Author:  Sam Wall As more and more states in the United States criminalize abortion, the amount of surveillance, and the negative consequences of that surveillance, are going to increase. That’s just a sad fact. With that in mind, we’ve put together some basics on how to protect your privacy during each step of the process of seeking abortion help. We made this with reproductive care in mind, but many of the steps here also apply to situations like abusive relationships and the increased criminalization of trans people, families and healthcare. Technology can be a double-edged sword. For those seeking abortion information or care, it can be a way to connect to vital resources like abortion funds, abortion providers or supportive friends. On the other hand, things like our phones and laptops can store a ton of information about us and what we’ve been doing with them. As more and more states criminalize abortion, the amount of surveillance, and the negative consequenc...

Bunk 9’s Guide to Growing Up by Adah Nuchi

A different book for girls about puberty and growing up. Hi, I’m Cath Hak and welcome to Sex Ed Rescue. Sex Ed Rescue is my YouTube channel where I review lots and lots and lots … Bunk 9’s Guide to Growing Up by Adah Nuchi Read More » The post Bunk 9’s Guide to Growing Up by Adah Nuchi was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/bunk-9s-guide-to-growing-up-by-adah-nuchi/ via https://sex2k.cc/

What’s Up Down There? Understanding and Caring for Your Pelvic Floor

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Author:  Caitlyn Tivy, PT, DPT, OCS When I tell someone that I help people with problems related to the abdomen, pelvis, and pelvic floor, I often get a curious look. What is the pelvic floor, after all? How do we care for it and the tissue around it? Here’s a thorough walkthrough of the anatomy of your pelvic floor and perineum and how you can keep tabs on this area of the body. Hey Scarleteen readers! I’m Caitlyn, a pelvic health physical therapist and lover of all things pelvic anatomy . When I tell someone that I help people with problems related to the abdomen, pelvis, and pelvic floor, I often get a curious look. What is the pelvic floor, after all? How do we care for it and the tissue around it? Here’s a thorough walkthrough of the anatomy of your pelvic floor and perineum and how you can keep tabs on this area. What is the pelvic floor, and why should I care? Your pelvic floor is a collection of muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. It’s...

Transgender Men Can Get Pregnant, Too

Last Mother’s Day, apparel brand Calvin Klein posted pictures of different parents and families on Instagram to celebrate “women and mothers all over the world” and highlight “the realities of new families.” The couple that got the most attention, however—Brazilians Erika Fernandes and Roberto Bete—are transgender; at the time of the photo, Roberto—a transgender man—was pregnant with their son. The intention of this advertisement was to promote inclusivity and support all kinds of parenthood, even if it deviates from what has traditionally been seen. It’s important to think about and see different kinds of parents and families. It’s not only cisgender women who are able to reproduce and become pregnant. Trans men, like Roberto, can also be a part of this group. Though they may look different from what some people are used to, they are valid. Increased visibility makes a difference in acceptance and access to resources like health care. Backlash Against the Company Calvin Klein rece...

My Body’s Changing: A Girl’s Guide to Growing Up by Anita Ganeri

The post My Body’s Changing: A Girl’s Guide to Growing Up by Anita Ganeri was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/my-bodys-changing-a-girls-guide-to-growing-up-by-anita-ganeri/ via https://sex2k.cc/