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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2022

World AIDS Day 2022: What You Can Do

Since 1988, World AIDS Day (December 1st) has been recognized as a time to remember those lost to AIDS-related illnesses, support those currently living with HIV /AIDS and work to end the HIV epidemic. Want to know more and what you can do to commemorate World AIDS Day? Read on! What’s Changed When It Comes to HIV/AIDS? Let me back up a bit. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that harms the immune system. There are three stages of HIV; if not treated, HIV can progress to its final stage, also known as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS. However, this is often preventable; HIV can be controlled with the right care and treatment, whether it be Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) or antiretroviral therapy (ART). Make no mistake, people with HIV who receive proper care and treatment can now live long, healthy lives, all while protecting a partner. How is this possible? Well, when consistently taking prescribed HIV medications, the amo...

Oh Sh*t: Identifying When You Need Help in Pregnancy and Labor

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Author:  Leslie Massicotte, M.Ed. If you’re pregnant for the first time, or if things seem a little different with this pregnancy than with previous pregnancies, it might feel scary not knowing what’s happening as you experience big changes. Learning to pay attention to how you and your body are feeling and changing – whether or not you know why – is really important to ensure a safe pregnancy. If you’re pregnant for the first time, or if things seem a little different with this pregnancy than with previous pregnancies, it might feel scary not knowing what’s happening as you experience big changes. (Check out this primer if you want to read more about how pregnancy works.) Learning to pay attention to how you and your body are feeling and changing – whether or not you know why – is really important to ensure a safe pregnancy. In this article, we’ll outline some key signs to pay attention to during and after pregnancy for pregnant folks who intend to carry their pre...

Why the Trans Day of Remembrance Is So Important

Not everyone realizes the significance of November 20th, but it’s the Transgender Day of Remembrance. This is an annual opportunity to remember and honor the memory of transgender people lost to violence. Of course, it’s important to do this more than once a year, but taking November 20th to reflect on and mourn the loss of trans people—more often than not transwomen of color—is a good way to reduce ignorance, share accurate information and show support and allegiance. Promoting Awareness Awareness is indeed critical. Since 2013, over 300 transgender and gender non-conforming people were killed in the United States alone. 2021 was the deadliest year on record, but violence against transgender people tends to be underreported so the actual number of those murdered was likely even higher. As a way to acknowledge them and say their names, check out the list the Human Rights Campaign keeps of those who have been killed. Reasons for Hope Luckily, there are reasons to hope. The days l...

Radical Acts of Compassion: An interview with Denise Rodriguez of the Texas Equal Access Fund

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Author:  Gabriel Leão TEAF’s Communications Director Denise Rodriguez explains the current state of the organization and abortion in Texas, and talks about how marginalized people do and will endure the worst of the brunt from both the recent changes due to the Dobbs decision as well as other restrictions and access issues that were already in place. “Abortions are essential health care” is a motto that staff at the Texas Equal Access Fund (TEAF) carry close to their hearts. TEAF has provided financial and emotional support for those who need help to access abortion services, including the Panhandle, in north, east, and west Texas. As are other reproductive justice organizations in Texas and neighboring states, for long TEAF has been feeling the rise of anti-abortion sentiment and policy. In an interview with Scarleteen, TEAF ’s Communications Director Denise Rodriguez explains the current state of the organization and abortion in Texas, and talks about how marg...

Surviving Success: Achievement After Sexual Violence Does Not Invalidate Our Struggle

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Author:  Grace Catan Intellectually, I understand that success and safety do not invalidate struggle. I understand that I will feel the impacts of sexual violence regardless of how well I do in school or how much better life gets for me. But because a majority of people in my life only see the “successful” parts and not the difficult parts, and because so often people’s expectations of survivors stand counter to this, many people find it harder to believe that I’ve even experienced sexual violence. And that can make it harder for me and other survivors to emotionally feel and believe what we intellectually understand: our success does not invalidate our struggle. Content Note: This piece contains discussions pertaining to sexual violence and may be triggering or uncomfortable for some readers. As I’ve gained access to more resources and support to help with the impacts of sexual violence, my relationship with both struggle and success has continuously changed. In...