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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2023

Pink Blue and You by Elise Gravel

The post Pink, Blue and You by Elise Gravel was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/pink-blue-and-you-by-elise-gravel/ via https://sex2k.cc/

The Family Tree by Sean Dixon

The post The Family Tree by Sean Dixon was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/the-family-tree-by-sean-dixon/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Your Body is Awesome. Body Respect for Children by Sigrun Danielstottir

The post Your Body is Awesome. Body Respect for Children by Sigrun Danielstottir was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/your-body-is-awesome-body-respect-for-children-by-sigrun-danielstottir/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Julian at the Wedding by Jessica Love

The post Julian at the Wedding by Jessica Love was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/julian-at-the-wedding-by-jessica-love/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Shes My Dad by Sarah Savage

The post She’s My Dad by Sarah Savage was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/shes-my-dad-by-sarah-savage/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Hes my Mom by Sarah Savage

The post He’s my Mom by Sarah Savage was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/hes-my-mom-by-sarah-savage/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Hello Every Body! by Samantha Curcio

The post Hello Every Body! by Samantha Curcio was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/hello-every-body-by-samantha-curcio/ via https://sex2k.cc/

How to Be Ace A Memoir of Growing Up Asexual by Rebecca Burgess

The post How to Be Ace A Memoir of Growing Up Asexual by Rebecca Burgess was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/how-to-be-ace-a-memoir-of-growing-up-asexual-by-rebecca-burgess/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Sex Plus: Learning Loving and Enjoying Your Body by Laci Green

The post Sex Plus: Learning, Loving, and Enjoying Your Body by Laci Green was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/sex-plus-learning-loving-and-enjoying-your-body-by-laci-green/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Quintimacy: An Interview with Beck Thom

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Author:  Gabriel Leão Britain’s Quintimacy is a space that intends to cultivate queer intimacy through trauma-informed and embodied connection. In an interview with Scarleteen, founder Beck Thom talks about their working frameworks, sex ed in the UK, what they do at Quintimacy and the need to better educate people, including children and teenagers, about trauma and consent. Britain’s Quintimacy is a space that intends to cultivate queer intimacy through trauma -informed and embodied connection. It's run by Beck Thom, a sex coach, somatic sex educator and sexological bodyworker based in the Midlands, United Kingdom. They were a finalist in the UK’s 27 th Sexual Freedom Awards for Somatic Sexologist of the Year . In an exclusive interview with Scarleteen, Thom talks about their working frameworks, sex ed in the UK, what they do at Quintimacy and the need to better educate people, including children and teenagers, about trauma and consent . Scarleteen (ST): Tell...

We're a Co-Directorship Now!

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It’s been almost 25 years since I first founded Scarleteen. For all of that time, I have been our lone director. That wasn’t really something I wanted or intended so much as a thing I just had to accept. Particularly in the first fifteen years, there often wasn’t funding to even pay one person (me) with a living wage, or to assure there would always be pay and other labor support. There was a good deal of time where I not only had to do other work to support myself, sometimes I had to do it to keep the lights on here, too. Scarleteen wasn’t something I expected to grow and take off the way that it did, and we didn’t start with any funding or other infrastructure or support for a staff. I also never intended or wanted to be one person in the front of it all. Neither my own more introverted nature nor the way I aim to create and nurture community in either my personal or professional life puts just any one person in front, on top or in charge, and certainly not me. I did my best over...

What is Pregnancy by Kate E. Reynolds

The post What is Pregnancy by Kate E. Reynolds was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/what-is-pregnancy-by-kate-e-reynolds/ via https://sex2k.cc/

The Pronoun Book by Cassandra Jules Corrigan

The post The Pronoun Book by Cassandra Jules Corrigan was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/the-pronoun-book-by-cassandra-jules-corrigan/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Thats Me Loving You by Amy Krouse Rosenthal

The post That’s Me Loving You by Amy Krouse Rosenthal was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/thats-me-loving-you-by-amy-krouse-rosenthal/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Legitimate Sexpectations by Katrina Marson

The post Legitimate Sexpectations by Katrina Marson was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/legitimate-sexpectations-by-katrina-marson/ via https://sex2k.cc/

Transmasculine Flow: Let's Talk Periods

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Author:  Ellis Schwamm For all the body positivity of our modern era, we still don’t hear many public conversations about periods. In many parts of the world, people are and have long been cut off from resources and education about periods: and the more marginalized the person, the more cut off they’ve usually been. Let’s have an honest discussion about what periods are, some of the unique challenges that transmasculine people who menstruate can grapple with, and how to address them. For all the body positivity of our modern era, we still don’t hear many public conversations about periods. To open up spaces for clear, comprehensive discussions about menstruation and how it impacts our self-esteem often requires wrestling with centuries of stigma. In fact, it’s so off-limits that the English word “taboo” likely comes from a set of Tongan religious practices that addressed periods. In many parts of the world, people are and have long been cut off from resources and edu...

Body Boss BootCamp

The post Body Boss BootCamp was written by Cath Hakanson appeared first on Sex Ed Rescue - A better way to talk to kids about sex from Sex Ed Rescue https://sexedrescue.com/body-boss-bootcamp/ via https://sex2k.cc/